
  • Marketing Tips for Modern-Day Business Websites

    Marketing Tips for Modern-Day Business Websites

    The internet is a busy place, and business websites have to get noticed. While it may seem like every website is competing for the same audience, there are still some unique ways you can stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips that will help your modern-day website attract more visitors and build trust…

  • JavaScript for Web Developers

    What is JavaScript? JavaScript or JS for short can be simply defined as the ‘programming language’ for the web. But it is in fact, a scripting language that can manipulate data for web pages and produce the magical and responsive static information that you see on everyday websites. Whenever you come across any functionality on…

  • We’re Happy to Be Back!

    It has certainly been some time since we put out new and informative content. We have received a number of requests via email and on our social media platforms to get started again. We’re happy to announce that we’re back! We have a ton of marketing advice to share with our small business owners. We’ll…