Marketing Tips for Modern-Day Business Websites

The internet is a busy place, and business websites have to get noticed. While it may seem like every website is competing for the same audience, there are still some unique ways you can stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips that will help your modern-day website attract more visitors and build trust with your target market:

Focus on value

That sounds obvious, but it’s not easy to do it. Many companies fall into the trap of focusing too much on their products and services, especially when launching a new website or business!

Instead of just listing the features of your product or service in a long list, use a customer-centric approach. That means writing down what problems your customers face and how they would benefit from using your product or service. It could be as simple as: “I’m tired of having slow computers.” or: “I want my business to grow.” Give them exactly what they need—not just more information about your products/services!

Use this information as part of your value proposition statement (VPS). A VPS should clearly state how you will deliver value to your customer by solving their problem with one specific solution. For example: “We solve the problem businesses have with slow computers by providing comprehensive computer maintenance services at an affordable price.”

Keep it simple

Be a clean, modern, minimalistic design. If you want your site to look professional, you need to make sure that it is easy for visitors to navigate through the content on their own. Ensure that it looks great on mobile phones.

According to an atlanta website company, you should limit the number of colors used in your design. Using too many different shades can lead to visual confusion and give off the impression that your business website doesn’t have enough resources behind it. A limited palette helps simplify things while giving an impactful message about your brand or product.

Use large fonts that are easy to read on mobile devices and desktop computers; this will help ensure maximum exposure among customers who may eventually become loyal followers or even repeat buyers, depending on how many times they visit to find answers about specific products.

Implement feedback forms

Feedback forms are a great way to get feedback and build trust. They can be used for customer support, product feedback, and market research.

They allow customers to share their thoughts with you directly so that you can improve your website and better tailor their needs. Implementing a feedback form on your website gives you insight into what people want from your business.

By using this information in conjunction with other analytics tools like Google Analytics, you should gain valuable insights into how well your website is performing and what areas need improvement and work your way from there.

Tell your story

This is your chance to tell your story. A well-crafted website shouldn’t be a sales pitch but a portal through which you can share who you are as an organization and what makes your company stand out from the crowd.

One of the best ways to do this is with a narrative about how you started, why you started this business in particular, and why people need to know about it. Think about all those stories we hear about startups—the sacrifices made by founders to get their companies off the ground—and apply that same passion and commitment here too. After all, it’s about how you make them feel, not what you provide for them.

Optimize for mobile devices

Mobile users are multiplying and more likely to convert than desktop users. You can’t forget that mobile users are often on the go and have a short attention span, which means they want your website to load quickly.

Ensure you optimize your site for mobile devices—and don’t use Flash. Use responsive design instead, where the layout of each page changes based on how a user is viewing it (for example: if someone’s using a tablet or smartphone).

Leverage social media to build trust

Leveraging social media is a great way to build trust and relationships with your customers. It’s also an invaluable tool for increasing brand awareness, building brand loyalty, creating a positive reputation for your business and establishing equity in the marketplace.

Additionally, leveraging social media can help you build advocacy that will drive returns on investment (ROI). In fact, when compared to other forms of online marketing (such as search engine optimization), it costs less while generating higher results!


    • Focus on value.
    • Keep it simple.
    • Implement feedback forms.
    • Tell your story.
    • Optimize for mobile.
  • Leverage social media to build trust.

The bottom line

Together, these marketing tips will help you make an impact on your website and ensure that prospective customers stay on it for as long as possible. While the techniques are simple, their effectiveness cannot be underestimated. They’re all about providing value to visitors and making them feel like they’re part of a community rather than just another name on the screen.


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